
We have been so busy around IMM that we had to call upon our IMM Forever Family to come and help out.

Meet Ron and Mary Martens. Ron and Mary both served at IMM in the 90’s. This is where they met for the first time, and in 1996 got married. Now, Ron helps keep some very important radio stations up and running as an engineer. Those radio stations are K~love and Air1. Mary helps us with organization and encouraging the team. Ron has been a vital part of the IMM team by providing his engineering services. When equipment breaks or needs to be worked on, we save it for when Ron and Mary come to visit.

This visit, they have helped organize the IT room, rework the cabling for the Teranex (a machine that digitizes our old tapes helping to give them new life in the digital world), input data for some of our projects, and have been an overall encouraging breath of fresh air.

Thank you, Ron and Mary, for being part of the IMM Forever Family!