June here in Spain means that kids are getting out of school and enjoying the hot weather.  Our team, too, is just getting warmed up. Two weeks ago, our team hosted a workshop dealing with mobile media.  Over twenty missionaries and church workers spent the day with us.  We were surprised and humbled at the response of those who wanted to come learn. Here are three reasons why I think they showed up.

First, our friends care a lot about spreading the Gospel. They are hoping to talk to people they haven’t before. They are looking for tools and ways to communicate with people in ways they haven’t before. 

Another reason our colleagues came is that they believe mobile technology to be viable and powerful.  Everywhere in the world, people can be found with a mobile device.  Even in places where only solar power can charge their phone, humans are looking to connect with each other. Our friends know that everyone with whom they want to share the Gospel is carrying a mobile device of some kind.

They also know we can learn from each other. Sometimes I feel that we fail to share what we know because we don’t know every detail or don’t consider ourselves experts.  Getting a group together as we did helps us to know what questions are being asked to inform what things we need to brush up on. The students in our workshops don’t expect to us to be know-it-alls, but they know that together we can solve some challenges.

Our team is already talking about what workshop to do next.  We are also looking at re-creating curriculum in Spanish very soon.  School might be out, but we’re all still learning.